Respiratory Infection and Critical Care Center (ICU)

The Respiratory Infection and Critical Care Center is lead by the renowned respiratory and infection expert, Professor Zhang Bo. Unlike the pulmonary complications in people with normal immune function, those in patients with hematologic malignancies have their specificities. Non-infectious pulmonary complications often have covert onset, making early diagnosis and differentiation difficult, leading to high rates of clinical missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis. Moreover, the treatment directions for different complications are opposite; improper treatment can lead to severe consequences. Therefore, the management of pulmonary complications in patients with hematologic malignancies requires a very important correlation between hematologists, pulmonologists, radiologists, pathologists, and laboratory physicians. Multidisciplinary collaboration and close coordination, leveraging the strengths of each specialty, are essential to establish a clear diagnosis and targeted treatment, thus achieving systematic and scientific management, reducing the mortality rate from pulmonary complications, and improving patient survival quality.

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